Day 107k: Flowing amongst the Family … (July 30, 2019)

I ambled onward and came to pause in the town of Trasmonte – to sit a bit and re-tape the soles of my shoes. Big-smiling Bernard (who I had first met when previously walking through Sahagun) then approached from the opposite vector and sat with me a while – offering me an ice-cold Coca-Cola and some warmhearted fellowship … After he rose to go and I gave him a hug and ambled onward as well, I soon encountered Anabel & Raquel from Barcelona, who ebulliently recognized me from my very brief hello-stopover at the Ave Fenix Albergue in Villafranca, and I offered their own arm-wrappings of thanks & encouragement as we continued on our respective ways … And then, seeing as how all Good Things always seem to be offered in threes, I passed by an empty pathside bench upon which rested a beautiful garland of fresh flowers – a crownlet I then offered to the next pilgrim I encountered along the Way; reminding her that there was still Great Goodness in the world and re-minding myself that everyone I meet in life is an actual Brother or Sister, and should ever be treated accordingly …

One can acquire everything in solitude except character. Character can only grow and blossom during our interactions with others … We would all do well to remember the same, just as we would all do well to remember that it is not the appearance that makes a man, but rather the man who makes his appearance … It is true that I might be stupid to believe in honor and friendship and kindness without price. And yet these are the virtues we should cherish, for without them we are no more than barbarians ravaging the land.” ~ inspired by Stendahl, Anthony Liccione & David Gemmell