Day 107i: Newfound friends in Negreira … (July 30, 2019)

I eventually made it back to the small city of Negreira, where my string of happy reunions continued; this time re-meeting Kim & Kathy, the special needs teachers from New Hampshire I had first met back in Viana) …

Pilgrim friend, do not follow me blindly. Instead, let us simply be fabulously where and who and how we are. You simply be you and I’ll simply be me, joyous in our time together – today and today and today. Let us trust the future to tomorrow, and allow the stars to keep track of our goings. And as we part ways once more, let us ride our own orbits boldly and have faith that our paths might well meet again. Our reunion is glorious and blessed; not a mere finding but rather a sweet collision of destinies. Let us both go forth now and live accordingly … All too often we think of community in terms of being with people who are comfortable; people who are like ourselves: the same class, the same race, the same nationality, the same creed, the same social standing etc etc. And yet we need to be very wary of these ego-born limitations. We need to be very aware of – and wary of – lives that can all too easily become separated by fear, instead of ladled with Love.” ~ inspired by Jerry Spinelli & Bell Hooks