Day 107h: A real & authentic Faith … (July 30, 2019)

This little pathside chapel was locked up tight at the time, and yet nothing could limit or contain the Peace & Beauty it beamed from within …

All would do well to remember that authentic faith ALWAYS leads US to treat others with an unconditional earnestness and a loving reverence. Each human personality – both what it is and how it unfolded – will ever be a mystery, and we would be wise to treat others with an according gentleness & humility. This is why any religion worth its merits must avoid all vestiges of conviction or condemnation. Instead it should inspire & fashion whole men and women – those who live lives of selfless love and caring compassion. Any religious leader or dogma that produces the opposite must be appropriately known as False. So let your religion be True, my friends – let it be bold in its humility and dramatic in its gentleness. Let your religion be a beacon of Goodness, and let your own life be a radiant reflection thereof.” ~ inspired by Brennan Manning