Day 107b: Walking the Beautiful Names … (July 30, 2019)

When they are reverently walked, pilgrimage routes become liberated spaces that can be more fully occupied. The openness with which they are tread gives them a rich sense of fluid indetermination – a humble way of being that makes routes ever-flexible and every stranger a potential friend. When walked reverently, pilgrim paths embolden a semantic rarefaction that lets us see far deeper meanings in things seen and people encountered – a function that articulates a second and more poetic geography on top of the land’s more literal topography. In essence, walking reverently turns the walking into a dance and the route traveled into a celebration. And the pilgrim who is doing that sacred walking is soaked in these heart-swelling meanings; announcing not ‘I am walking to see my goal’ but rather ‘I am filling this great empty space with a beautiful name.’” ~ inspired by Michel de Certeau