Day 107a: Gracing the day with Gratitude … (July 30, 2019)

I woke early this morning (as usual) and sat for quite awhile outside on the hostel’s front stoop – so grateful to be on this Great Journey, so grateful to have already come so far, so grateful to have done the (admittedly seemingly little) Good I have been able to do, so grateful to be alive in general. And as I sat there pondering the glorious Beauty of it all, my young compatriot wanderers exited enmasse to continue on their respective ways. They had all made it clear the night before that they didn’t want to be in any way recognized for the kindness they had shown me, and yet I silently recognized the same as I wholeheartedly wished them a “Buen Camino” – and a “Buen Vida” to boot …

Whenever you feel a spark of love or goodwill towards another person – be they male or female, young or old, human or non-human – always remember to feed that feeling so that it will grow. Life is not about finding the right person or people. After all, many people are not that ‘right.’ Even though they all start out kind and compassionate and full of love, most soon lead lives that are wholly self-absorbed and ladled with various manipulations & a litany of complaints. And the only answer to this challenge is to be the Right Person ourselves whenever we meet them. For when we do so, everything has an ultimate tendency to work together in a harmonious way. So just Love, my friends. Love freely and genuinely. Love openly and with courage, being ever kind & giving to everyone met along your path.” ~ inspired by Donna Goddard

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so many have entertained angels unawares.” ~ unknown (Hebrews 13:2)