on powerful prayer … (08/08/08)

Praying powerfully is really a simple affair — as long as you are willing to shift your motivations from self-centered to selfless ones …

Initially, every potent prayer commences with an professing of sincere Gratitude for life — regardless of what happens as a result of the prayer.

Secondly, it is important that you remain acutely conscious of the content of your prayer, as well as the act of praying itself.  You should feel as though you are literally talking to God — as though He is sitting next to you (for indeed, He/She/It is!).

Finally, the prayer itself is guaranteed to be truly success-full only when it is openly done not to satisfy your own personal goals or desires or wishes (regardless of how noble they might be), but rather solely to assist the Source (God) in fulfilling its greater Will — a Will that is per se beyond the capabilities of your human imagination …

It is this intense humility that sends an equally intense frequency from your mind-body — a beam of energy that is of a frequency that the Source can and will use to fulfill its ultimate aim: to bring Harmony to the Cosmos.