that Miracles abound … (12/08/12)

“We have isolated ourselves from the transcendent. If we get sick, we go to a doctor. If we need food, we go to a store and buy it. We don’t allow our neighbors to share their sustenance, and we no longer allow our bodies to heal of their own accord.

Some would say that this is a sign of “progress”; that our expanding intelligence has exposed the ignorance that used to have us believing in errant myths & hollow miracles.

I would offer a different perspective: namely, the Truth that our myths are still full of Wisdom – we simply choose to ignore them; and that miracles still occur every day — we simply choose to look away.

You see, by removing acts of courageous faith from our everyday decision-making … the faith that used to allow the miraculous to caress us regularly, it is WE who have discarded the amazing & the wondrous from our lives.

The fact is: as long as LOVE exists, miracles will remain.

Indeed, the ability we each have to Care for strangers (& even our enemies) transcends both instinct & ego. Some would say that such a choice even transcends science itself.

And it is this LOVE unconditional that is the true wonder of being Human. It is this ability to be Kind even in our darkest hours that gives our lives deep Meaning. This is the LOVE of the child that walks on the water of our Souls.

It is this LOVE that is nothing short of a miracle.

And how wonderful that this miracle will always be right beside us, waiting just beyond barely-closed doors … waiting patiently to sustain us … waiting patiently to heal us.

Of course, no food can nourish unless it is first placed on one’s table … and no doctor can cure unless she is first invited into one’s home.” ~ inspired by Shane Claiborne