Day 099p: Remembering to let it Rain … (July 22, 2019)

I head into the small city of Melide proper and make my usual stop into the town’s primary wayside church (Igrexa de San Pedro de Melide), and yet this stopover has a most uninviting vibe (eerily similar to how I felt while recently passing through the town of Portmarin) and so I didn’t pause long here at all – only long enough to capture of few photos of the place; a place that was full of its own wonders to be sure, and yet a place that was without question in no way Right for me – before heading back out into the glaring heat of The Way …

“During any & all moments of strife or ‘dis-ease’, simply remember to check your flow and redirect your focus towards that which is more fluidly good.” ~ via T.F. Hodge

For after all, the very best thing one can do when it is raining is to simply let it rain.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow