Day 099o: Whenever you really Walk … (July 22, 2019)

Whenever you walk, whenever you really Walk, the world has neither past nor future; not even the dance setting forth & arriving; not even the endless cycle of mornings & evenings. No, whenever one truly Walks, he or she flows with gravity and dances with both root & rock – he or she leans into the Great Is that ever surrounds us all, and repeatedly marvels at all that is both nearby and overhead and underfoot – the sway of the tall grasses that line the path, the breeze that choreographs the branches up above, the multitudinous shades of tan & gray painted lightly onto the dusty faces of every pathway pebble. On such a journey there is no goal or plan or worry; no longing or frustration or distanced destination. Such a Walker has within him the Eternal Child; while walking she is but a swaying gaze of amazement.” ~ inspired by Frédéric Gros