Day 098k: Basking in the Light … (July 21, 2019)

Segue #03 on my serendipitous stretch through Sarria had me stopping by the pathside Iglesia del Salvador, a truly glowing sanctuary where Love itself seemed to be flowing from the walls and harmony itself seemed to be falling gently from its ceilings. True to form, the hospitalera on call there was as effusive in her appreciation & encouragement of my Walk as any I had met in any church beforehand, and I paused for a time there thereafter to offer fresh prayers of gratitude (for having come so far) and resolve (to continue ever onward) …

Some would say that the two symptoms of Enlightenment are a happiness-infused cessation of worrying and an enhanced ability to notice the cascade of meaningful synchronicities that rain upon us without end each day (Carol Lynn Pearson) … And yet true Enlightenment is something far more accessible and far more potent. For true Enlightenment is both Facta Non Mensa & Facta Non Verba (Actions, not thoughts – Actions, not words) – true Enlightenment is a verb – true Enlightenment is pure Love unblemished; Caring that ever selfless and ever in motion – true Enlightenment is the bringing of Joy more than the experience thereof, and the maker of synchronous encounters more than the noticing of the same.” ~ anonymous