Day 098j: Sauntering into Sarria … (July 21, 2019)

I eventually make into the city of Sarria thereafter, and was originally intending to throw my bag over my other shoulder, pause briefly for a drink of water, and then flow onward. And yet as was so often the case on the Camino (and as is so often the case in Life), the “will” of the Way was far removed from my own plans or desires. First, I came across Damian & Beatrice – the two lovely pilgrims who had shown me so much kindness back at the Samos monastery – and we all exchanged more than few words of uplifting encouragement and emotional inspiration. Then, as I was once again intending to saunter smoothly onward & out of town, I came across three Italian youths – fellow pilgrims as well; youths who were quite moved by the even-abbreviated tale of my Walk, and youths with whom I then heartily sang while we joyfully walked together towards the next stop along our shared Way …

Community exceeds all human understanding, and when it calls out to you (which it incessantly does, though sometimes in but a whisper), we would all do well dive fully into the same. We are each walking through life in a manner – though often unwittingly – that is far deeper than the mere mundane – a realm where far deeper meanings and far more profound experiences ever await those with both the humility & the courage to leap wholeheartedly into this mythical realm; a kingdom made up not of individuals so much as archetypes, a region constructed not of individual personalities so much as relationships. In this more sparkling world, every encounter effuses vividly drawn archetypes of humanity’s shared Soul, where every sentient being harbors a rugged spirit filled with natural knowing and inner wisdom – each of them equally worthy of kindness & respect. I myself know well the full spectrum of this truth and could sing about it in any moment. It is so real and so vivid. It is Life magnified; so more true to life than even Life itself.” ~ inspired by Bob Dylan