Day 097a: Rising anew in a next New Day … (July 20, 2019)

I woke after a surprisingly restless slumber and headed back out onto The Way. My back was still spasming quite painfully (as it had been since awakening in Pieros a few days prior) and yet I simply kept reminding myself that “It’s only pain” and that every single step was being taken for the world and that as such every single step was a step worth taking. And so it was that limp-wobbled through the morning – feeling low in both energy and spirit, and yet still appreciative of the innate magnificence of the Journey & the inarguable Beauty of my surroundings …

Metaphorically, there is a reason why morning ever follows night. For after any time of great darkness, we must be allowed the time to honor all we have lost and feel a profound compassion for all who are still missing. And we must do so while ever reminded of a limitless hope for peace that rises with each reborn sun.” ~ via Emory R. Frie