Day 096u: Ending the day in Harmony … (July 19, 2019)

And so it was that what had been a relatively arduous and stressful day (both physically & emotionally) had mellowed into a renewed appreciation for my Mission of Peace – a reawakening of True Self that was almost immediately “rewarded” with a showering of unexpected blessings: first, the arrival of Maikel & Maria from Herrerias (who had made the extra trip up the mountain to see me & play music for me again), then an amazing Fellowship-full dinner with my six young Spanish friends, and finally a sunset-graced reunion of sorts with Adam & his sisters (who had also arrived in town that day, and who happened to be enjoying a glass of wine on the hostel’s large veranda just as I was heading back to the church to bed down for the night) … Glories ever abound, and Gratitude is ever warranted!

The gift that is my life is only temporary, and so I willingly surrender it fully each day in gratitude. Whatever (or whomever) it was that gave it to me, I humbly thank you, and pray that I both have done and will continue to do right & good by the same. Love, love, I know what you are. Love, love, let me ever be you!” ~ inspired by George Saunders