Day 094d: Finding the First & Foremost … (July 17, 2019)

I walked thereafter with strong smoothness up and into and through the neighboring town of Foncebadon, knowing with astonishing clarity while I did so that any wall – however “enlightened” or otherwise well-intended – that we erect between our Self and any other is simultaneously a wall erected between our Self and Life itself. We are here to love and to care and give and to share without any reservation or exception. We are here to love through the walls – and thereby dismantle them …

More than anything, I respect the kindness of human beings – especially their kindness towards the weak and the small and the undeserving; towards children and the animals and strangers. And maybe this is why I don’t respect the law; why I have a full-fledged irreverence for anything connected with societal rule & regulation — except maybe that which makes the roads safer, or the water sweeter, or the food tastier, or the old men and women warmer in the winter.”~ via Brendan Behan