Day 093g: Overlooking Astorga … (July 16, 2019)

I still do not exactly know what it is about this particular overlook that strikes me as being so beautiful – indelibly imprinting itself upon my memory back in 2008, and re-imprinting itself upon my Soul on this day as well. Was it the ancientness of its monument littered with the stone-offerings of hundreds of wayfarers previous – each of them almost assuredly maintaining a unique outlook on God & the Divine, and yet each of them leaving an almost-same stone under the very same Cross? Maybe it was the feeling of peace one gets when peering down upon an imminent destination from above – or gazing upon a far horizon from a point of obvious progress, or maybe it was the perfectly angled slope of the pilgrimage path that cascading downhill so smoothly from the perfect circle surrounding the mountain’s crest. It was all unclear, truly, and yet what was clear was that life felt Right up here somehow, and I paused for awhile and soaked up the same …

The more meaningful voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes or attaining new vistas, but rather in arriving in each new moment with a set of new eyes.” ~ via Marcel Proust