Day 093f: An ally of the Oligarchy … (July 16, 2019)

After another while of walking, I came to an odd, middle-of-nowhere donativo stand on the side of The Way; a stand run by Luca – who heard a bit about my Walk and kindly offered me an instant coffee; Luca – who recognized in both my accent and my intended destination an originally American heritage; Luca – who then began to loudly condemn Germany as the hub of all evil in the world and champion the United States as the bastion of all that was good and worthy. I calmly pointed out that the latter half of his zealous rant at the very least was quite flagrantly false, with the United States quite clearly being one of the primary sources of war & global suffering to this very day. And yet Luca – quite literally – would hear nothing of it, and so I once more shrugged my shoulders and smiled, gave him a wholehearted hug, and flowed smoothly along my Way …

Stretch yourself and flow like a river, so you ever become a carrier of peace & light. Let the flowers grow in all encountered deserts and allow the stars to illuminate the darkest nights, for too deep is your Soul to be terrified of lack or shadow. Flow freely even in the loudest of life’s silences, for your Love-laden living is simply your Soul spilling expressively.” ~ via Jayita Bhattacharjee