Day 093a: A snail’s Salute … (July 16, 2019)

As was usually the case for me on this (and every) pilgrimage, I woke very early from a good night’s slumber and began the new day in solitudinous peace – admiring the art on the hostels’ living room walls (slow & steady indeed wins The Race because slow & steady no longer cares about “winning”) and penning a note of selfless Zone 3 in-Couragement to all my still slumbering Zone 2* comrades …

Oftentimes we spend so much time & effort looking for the track that we know must be there, that we completely miss the far smoother (and often more direct) trail of which we haven’t yet heard.” ~ via C.A. Fletcher

The best way to live is not to fight life, just go with it. Avoid trying all the time to wake people up or fix things. Just serve whatever needs serving, be quietly kind to all, and flow easily along your way.” ~ via Chuck Palahniuk

P.S. It is well worth noting that whenever yoga (or any other “enlightenment” practice) is engaged with the intention of empowering the self, one’s ignorance & suffering will inevitably persist, and yet whenever yoga is engaged to empower one’s Love/Caring for others, one soon becomes a true yogini.