Day 092v: When the Sun sets on Sanctuary … (July 15, 2019)

And once more the Sun set on yet another serendipitous Sanctuary – once more I found myself surrounded by many who didn’t truly See Me and yet many who were deeply loved all the same – and once more I moved silently in the night to a spare space of solitude, to spare the same aforementioned family members any suffering that my probable snoring would inflict … 🙂

My request today is a simple one – today, tomorrow, and next week, find somebody – anybody – who’s really different than you; especially somebody who has made you feel sad or frustrated or ill-willed or even hateful; somebody whose life decisions have made you uncomfortable.; somebody who practices a different religion than you; somebody who has been lost to addiction; somebody with a criminal past; somebody who dresses “below” you or looks down on you; somebody with disabilities; somebody who lives an alternative lifestyle; somebody without a home – somebody who you, until now, would always avoid, always look down on, always be disgusted by. Now I want you to go up to that person and reach your arm out and put it around them. And then I want you to tell them they’re all right. Tell them they have a friend. Tell them you love them. For if you or I want to make any real change in this world, that’s where we’re gonna do it. That’s where we’ll have to start.” ~ via Dan Pearce