Day 092t: A wealth of Wonderment … (July 15, 2019)

While it would have been quite fine indeed to have been allowed to mingle with the over half dozen hospitaleros & hospitaleras who were on hand (for some reason the dinner table was segregated, with the “helpers” sitting together at one end of the dinner table and the pilgrims nestled together on the other), dinner was a truly wonderful affair – overflowing with excellent vegan fare, jubilantly mirthful music (provided in large part by Mincho himself), and heartfelt camaraderie all around – with the entire event capped off by Mincho going out of his way to give me a warm hug and telling me how wonderful it is that I am walking the world for peace. I return the love right back, enthusiastically lauding his obviously sincere efforts to bring more Light & Levity to this part of the world, and the circle that is our meeting (a circle that started in skepticism, moved to selfless authenticity, and ended in friendship) becomes complete.

Love is prayerfulness rising towards godliness. Love is poetry born out of the sheer joy of being. Love is song, dance, celebration: a song of gratitude, a dance of thankfulness, and celebration for no reason at all – for this tremendous gift that goes on showering happiness upon us, for this whole universe so resplendent with wondrous beauty, for the communal fellowship that calls to all sentient beings – that calls us to rise from the dust back to the Divine.” ~ inspired by Osho