Day 092b: A most amicable Alberto … (July 15, 2019)

Very soon after entering Leon’s upper outskirts, I saw a fellow pilgrim walking towards me, a fellow pilgrim who happened to be Alberto Castello* – a fellow pilgrim who happened to be a fellow Peace Pilgrim, walking a pilgrimage for Kindness & Harmony all the way to Jerusalem!

“Don’t run through your life – walk with purpose. Because each conscious step is a mark left in time, and the more attentively that step is taken, the more indelible its footprint becomes. If you feel isolated, walk, and yet remember to walk with purpose – remember to walk with love – remember to walk for peace. Through the fog, in the rain, over all obstacles, through the darkness – simply walk; walk with purpose.” ~ anonymous

*on Instagram @peregrino_por_la_paz