Day 092a: Lighting UP Leon … (July 15, 2019)

I woke after a relatively restless night’s sleep at the usual uber-early hour and quietly headed outside into the hostels’ courtyard to pack for the day without disturbing my still-slumbering Camino compatriots, and then made my way back out onto The Road – pausing only briefly to retape my shoes under a still-shining streetlamp. I felt somewhat weak & wobbly this morning, and yet made my way onward regardless – through the tiny town of Arcahueja, past the still-closed church in Valdelafueta, into & through Puente Castro, until the Sun finally began to rise in earnest as the great city of Leon was seen on the near horizon.

Every trail, however erratic and circuitous, is a kind of life-line, a trajectory of growth. This image of life as a trail or path is ubiquitous among peoples whose existential orientations are founded in the practices of seeking and gathering, and in the modes of environmental perception the same entail. We are each identified and characterized not so much by the substantive attributes we carry into life, but rather by the kinds of paths we forge and leave behind.” ~ via Tim Ingold