Day 091j: Ever more solace in Solitude … (July 14, 2019)

Before leaving town, I stopped briefly in Mansilla’s primary church – once more to reground my humility; offering sincere gratitude for having been blessed to walk this Walk at all, and a renewed resolve to continue onward as long as the same is right & possible …

Spiritual pride tends to speak of other persons’ sins with bitterness or laughter or an air of contempt. And yet pure Christian humility – the humility both extolled & exhibited by Jesus himself – rather tends either to be silent about such problems or to speak of them with grief and compassion. Spiritual pride is apt to suspect others and to judge them, and yet a humble Follower of Christ’s Way is ever guarded about himself. He is as suspicious of nothing in the world as he is of his own heart; as judgmental of no one in the world as he is of his own failings. The proud person is apt to find fault with other believers, seeing them as being ignorant or low in grace, and being quick to note their deficiencies or shortcomings. And yet the humble Christian has so much to do with himself and his own thoughts & choices that he seldom finds the time to be busy with the hearts of others – choosing far more often than not to simply love them instead.” ~ via Jonathan Edwards