Respecting the Children (February 15th) …
February 15 – Respecting the Children: Visit a local kindergarten or preschool this morning (It might help to call around first to ask permission). Bring along some games that further teamwork, sharing or cooperation (most toy stores have quite a few these days) &/or bring a pre-packaged healthy snack for them. If you are allowed to help the teacher by reading to the kids or playing with them, do so. If not, simply watch them at play and allow your Faith in Humanity to be renewed. Bonus Activity: Offer to speak with the children about your Mission of Kindness and ask them for their ideas — and LISTEN to their responses.
Ahhhhh, the many priceless lessons that children so subtly, and yet so potently, teach us every day. If we but have the courage to open our eyes and appreciate these lessons, the world would certainly be a much more Peace-full place.
Children re-mind us to be amazed by life.
Children re-mind us to magnify Beauty by creating things Beauty-full.
Children re-mind us to laugh and be Joy-full.
Children re-mind us to be still & know the Inner Calm of Oneness.
And children re-mind us to set aside our personal fears to simply Care for others.
So let’s go forth today (and every day) intending to show an active appreciation for these Masters of Meaning-full Mirth. Remember that the simplest act of kindness means the world to a child. Extend a few of them (the acts) to a few of them (the children) today.
See You when I see you …
… and until then, Be Now!