Cleansing the Sanctuary (February 7th) …

February 07Cleansing the Sanctuary: Go through all your clothes this morning, making a pile of the items that you rarely use &/or don’t truly “need” (& maybe calling a few neighbors to encourage them to do the same). Items that are “in season” and yet have not been worn in over three weeks go into the pile, as do all items “out of season” that you wore twice or less when they were recently “in season”. Note that no one “needs” more than seven pairs of underwear or more than 14 pairs of socks. You don’t “need” more than 3 pairs of shoes either (one active pair, one “dressy” pair and one comfortable pair). Be courageous and make the pile as big as you can … After the sorting is complete, include one item that you regularly wear (or, if you’re feeling extra-Kind, one that you truly cherish). Bag these items up, gather any others that your friends’ might have collected, and take them to a local homeless shelter.

Giving away extra clothing has always been a real Joy for me, and I have experienced a boost of “goodness” every time I have done so. An yet, when you engage this task, please remember that it’s not about “freeing up personal energy” as much as it is about consciously making a positive difference in the lives of others.

So have fun with this one – and remember that the more you give away, the more Fun you will have!

See You when I see you …

and until then, Be Now!
