How can we heal dysfunctional relations? … (02/09/09)

Choice 1] Feel your hurt from its place of origin (which is most often not the immediate source of the same) …
Choice 2] Accept the other as she/he IS; giving them the freedom to be as “bad” or as “mean” or as “petty” as they wish …
Choice 3] Forgive the other for the pain they are causing you …
Choice 4] Take full responsibility for how you feel about how you are being treated …
Choice 5] Let go of your own psychological mis-functions that are encouraging you to cling to something other than what IS …
Choice 6] Acknowledge the fact that you must truly Love the other in order for her/him to be able to hurt you so deeply …
Choice 7] Acknowledge the fact that this Love for them is completely justified (that they are beautiful, regardless of how “poorly” they are behaving) …
Choice 8] Deepen your Intimacy towards your “perpetrator(s)” by being actively Kind towards them — without hope that they will change, without expecting a “better relationship” in the future, and without caring at all how they might or might not respond …
Choice 9] Revel in your newfound state of Bliss — by choosing to repeat it!
This is how to make your relationships function … This is what it means to “Love Big”.