Caring for our Earth … (02/09/14)

“The Earth which bore us and the Earth which sustains us; the only Paradise we ever need know … Ahhh, but if only we had the eyes to truly see Her; if only we had the Heart to truly Care.” ~ inspired by Edward Abbey

While the human wisdom in our minds tells us that we should “Be Gentle with Mother Earth”, the Divine Truth within our hearts knows differently.

Divine Truth knows that, even though the Earth is going to be just fine either way, it is a rare & priceless honor to be Her caretaker as opposed to Her cancer.

Divine Truth knows that it is our Purpose to do more than merely appreciate Her beauty or or respect Her inhabitants.

& Divine Truth knows that it is our hallowed privilege as Human Beings to Care for Her so earnestly & so passionately … that our each & every step gently wipes away Her tears.

We can all make a positive difference in our world, and we can all make that positive difference today … Avoid letting what you cannot do distract you from what you can.

Thank you.

00 02:09z Earthrise