Day 063g: being fully HERE … (06/16/2019)

“One day, it might all make sense; one day it might all be revealed. Then again, it might very well not. And yet whether said certainty will one day come to us or not, one truth remains quite evident: We Are Here Now. We are here now to learn to live boldly and accept our shadows fully. We are here now to fulfill our greatest potential by detaching from our lesser dreams. We are here now to leap faithfully into every hunch and courageously into every relationship. Our hearts give us direction; a hope for more halcyon horizon and the passion to keep moving towards the same. Yes, we are also beset by demons; lustful impulses and fearful instincts that would have us veer from our Soul’s true path. And yes, there are times in life when circumstances shower us with hardship and pain. And yet that doesn’t take away from the fact that We Are Here Now – that we and we alone choose how we respond to any particular happenstance, and that we and we alone can always choose to do Great Good with the moment we are being continually re-given. So be sure to give each moment some attention, and then some light, and then some Love. And no matter what is happening around you, remember to keep going. For you are not ever too far away from Here.” ~ inspired by Virgil Iordache