Day 061s: Liking every single YOU … (06/14/2019)

I walked thereafter up & Up & UP — all the way into the tiny village of Balajou, where a delightful Helene was so impressed with my Walk that she invited me in for an impromptu lunch of pasta & green salad, and then invited me to stay for a bit and drink a coffee while her while her equally delightful son (Lou) bounced on their trampoline beneath a swirling swarm of graceful swallows … 😀

“When I say it’s you I like, I’m talking about that part of you that knows that life is far more meaningful than anything we can ever merely see or hear or touch. I mean the far deeper part of all of us — the part that allows us to stand for those things without which humankind cannot survive: Love that conquers hate, Peace that triumphs over war, Generosity that proves more powerful than greed, and Compassion that transcends every judgment.” ~ inspired by Fred Rogers