Day 061i: Offering UP my prayer for Peace … (06/14/2019)

I thereafter walked into the lovely little town of St. Felix (the patron saint of lost animals), and stopped by its just-as-lovely church — to rest for awhile, to reaffirm my resolve (to keep walking for Peace come what may), and to light a candle in honor of all those who are currently suffering all over the world — that they might choose to transcend the same, by using their moments of pain to empower their acts of Kindness … 🙂

“Thank you, oh Divine One, for the gift of life you have given me. Thank You for residing within me and within the bodies & minds of all those nearby. Thank You for using my arms, my feet, my words, and my heart to share your boundless Love wherever I go and with every being I encounter. Help me to keep that same Love & Peace in my Heart and to make that same Love & Peace my new way of living, that I might live in and indeed exude that same Love & Peace to everyone I meet for the rest of my days … Amen.” ~ inspired by Don M. Ruiz