Day 061h: Defrocking the dirt on Dairy … (06/14/2019)

And once again I passed by yet another herd of “happy” dairy cows, and once again I felt the disgust welling up inside of me. And yet I wondered: from whence came this super-strong and incredibly uncomfortable response? Yes, I knew full well that each & every one of the bovine individuals pictured was but an adolescent child (4-5 years old max, with dairy cows having natural lifespan of 20-25 years), and I knew that each I every one of them had been stolen from their mother a few year prior and would be brutally murdered within a few short years in the near future. And yet even those abject injustices didn’t necessarily explain the seething rage I felt rising almost involuntarily from within every time I saw them …

So what was it? I paused nearby and gazed at them for awhile, and then it came to me: There are three gradients of evil, and the dairy industry maxes out all three. Consider —

01) The What = the most wicked of violations … Dairy cows are kidnapped at birth, are enslaved & often confined for the first few years of their short lives, are repeatedly raped to force them to make milk, have their babies repeatedly taken from them (&/or murdered) shortly after birth, and then are themselves brutally murdered at the young age of 4-5 when their udders “dry up” and can no longer produce a profitable amount of milk … πŸ™

02) The Why = the most trivial & inexcusable of reasons … Dairy cows are subjected to the above-listed abuses solely to provide dairy farmers with economic profit and dairy consumers with personal pleasure. Dairy farmers can easily find ethical work elsewhere, and dairy consumers are actually damaging their own health by consuming dairy products … πŸ™ πŸ™

03) The to Whom = the most innocent creatures on the planet. Dairy cows are the most gentle and affectionate of beings — at least as innocent and as harmless (and often far more so) than every other being on Earth … πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

And so it was that I came to realize that THIS is why my blood continues to boil whenever I see a herd of “happy cows” — and this is why your blood should be boiling every time you see the same as well.

“I know that animals have voices, and that they damn well use those voices to communicate with each other and with us. You want proof? Go into a slaughterhouse and you’ll hear animals using their voices to express their terror and their pain. Go into a slaughterhouse and you’ll hear their screams anguish and you’ll hear them begging for their lives. So when I say that animals are voiceless, I mean that they are the group of individuals in this world with by far the least amount of influence over how human society treats them. In truth, there is not a single group of beings on this planet whose members have their interests as easily disregarded & degraded as nonhuman animals. No individuals in this world are as vulnerable as them. Indeed, they are exploited in far larger numbers, and in far more horrific ways, than ALL the world’s oppressed humans combined. Less than one percent of the population acknowledges the right of animals to be free from slavery and abuse and murder, and an even smaller number is actually willing to fight on behalf of those animals. So, yes, animals ARE essentially voiceless, which is why we are ALL morally obligated to speak up for them every day.” ~ inspired by Nic