Day 061c: Getting around the Bend … (06/14/2019)

Obstacles like this one were laughable to my pre-Walk self, and yet that was back when I didn’t understand how incredibly difficult it is to get around tree-blocked, steep-banked paths when your hips are frozen stiff (and you frankly weren’t that flexible to begin with) … 😀

“Just walk — don’t talk about walking. Don’t tell me about your wonderful travel plans. Don’t give me a bunch of ‘maybe somedays’ or ‘not quite yets.’ Today is the only day you are guaranteed, so get up off your butt and get moving. Just Care — don’t talk about Caring. I don’t want to hear about your goals for personal improvement, and don’t you dare give me a bunch of ‘soon, when the time is rights’ or ‘right after I take a naps.” Today is the only day you have been truly give, so get out there and go Be Kind to somebody.” ~ inspired by Glen Cook