Day 58b: Pausing slowly in the Flow … (06/11/2019)

As my body continued to recover more & more from the intense pains & stresses of Switzerland, I found myself walking farther & farther each day. And while there was no rush — no set place to be and no set time at which I needed to get there, I realized that there was a threefold meaning to this “madness”; a trifecta of reasons why it was indeed a Good Thing to be walking further each day — at least on those days when my body and The Way would easily allow the same. First, one of the primary purposes of this Walk was to inspire folks in the United States to drop their fear and reach out to strangers instead, and walking further each day here in Europe meant arriving in the United States that much sooner to spread that truly important message. Second, flowing along at a tempo that was a bit faster than the average pilgrim’s gait allowed me to respectfully & smoothly pass by the folks who showed little to no interest in the Truths I was sharing along the way. Third, leaving one particular “pilgrim family”* behind meant inevitably catching up to a new family just up ahead — thereby allowing me to regularly meet new pilgrims and spread my message of unconditional Compassion, selfless service, & radical Kindness to that many more potential followers thereof … 😉

That all having been said, I also respected The Flow completely — namely, the tempo that my circumstances demanded, rather than the speed with which I myself wished to walk. As such, whenever I came across pilgrims who expressed a sincere interest in my message of Peace, I slowed down and spent as much time with them as they desired. Similarly, whenever I came across another in obvious need, I paused and attempted to ease their burden(s). And finally, whenever I encountered a space that was obviously revered by others as being special or sacred, I paused to pay my humble respects thereto … 🙂

And so it was that even though I was humming along at an amazing clip on this particular morning, I chose to pause in heartfelt reverence when coming across this statue of Mary looking down upon St. Come d’Olt from on high … 😀

“Just as meaning demands opportunities to care for others in need, so too do our Souls need sacred moments and holy places. For just as we need to Love others in order to find real peace, so too do we need to pause and bathe in the infinite, the limitless, and the uttermost — to soak in a deeper knowing of the our ineffable Oneness; a cleansing that refreshes our heart’s deepest and most potent strength.” ~ inspired by A. Powell Davies

*The “pilgrim family” is an intriguing sociological phenomenon whereby pilgrims who set out from the same location on any given day tend to meet up again & again & again over the course of their shared pilgrimage’s subsequent days (&/or even weeks).