Day 58a: Embracing the inner Greatness … (06/11/2019)

I woke up earlier than usual this morning and was already ready to set forth by 5:15am, and yet it felt somehow Right to wait and say my farewells to Sylvain in person instead. So I rested calmly in peace at the empty breakfast table awhile, until a few fellow early-rising pilgrims straggled in to join me and Sylvain finally showed at 7am to prepare their breakfast … I once more offered up a heartfelt thanks (and a hearty hug) for his hospitality, and he once more offered up a heartwarming respect for my chosen path, and then I headed out into the fresh new morning to continue my Walk for Peace … 😀

“Shy not away from greatness: some are born innately great, some achieve their greatness through great effort, and others have their greatness thrust upon them, and yet greatness – or at least the opportunity to embrace the same – finds us all at some point on our way.” ~ inspired by Shakespeare