Day 56g: Passing on the Healing … (06/09/2019)

Just before she departed Madeleine was kind enough to give me two tennis balls, hoping that I would use them to self-massage my ailing back as I walked along the rest of The Way. Of course, we Peace Pilgrims aren’t big fans of self-assistance or self-furtherance in any form, so I chose instead to adorn both orbs with messages of far greater Healing, and then left the same to be found by pilgrims subsequent … 😉

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.
The healing is the place where the Love exits you.”
~ inspired by Rumi

“Ultreia mes Amies!” loosely translates to
“Onward to the very end, my Friends!”

P.S. As far as the second tennis ball went, here is what I wrote on it …

“Allez pour la Paix!” loosely translates
to “Onward for Peace!”

… and here is where I placed it …

… and this is what I thought about it All. 🙂