Day 56f: The Silence of HOME … (06/09/2019)

Wonderfully reminiscent of the slate-roofed homes found in the Galician region of western Spain — a region through which I would later walk on my pilgrimage, this stone-tiled house reminded me that while our homes do indeed often re-energize our inner sense of solace, it is openly caring for others as if they belonged with you therein that makes our lives worth living … 🙂

“Perhaps the most important thing HOME brings to us is silence; not the sort of silence that is filled with unspoken criticism or hard withdrawal, but rather the sort of silence that is a place of refuge, a place of peace, a place of the full acceptance of who we truly are. We are all innately hungry for this other kind of silence, and in our world laced with fear & judgment it is often hard to find. And yet in its presence we can remember something beyond the moment; a far deeper strength upon which to build a greater, more caring life.” ~ inspired by Rachel Naomi Remen