Day 55d: Deeper thoughts of a deeper LOVE … (06/08/2019)

One of the advantages of walking with the same person(s) for any significant length of time is the wider range of Meaning-full topics that can be far more deeply discussed. And indeed, such was the case on this day’s walk with Madeleine — a walk that allowed us to cover a variety of truly important topics in great depth*; none of them more important than the innate Correctness of veganism — the choice to fully harmonize one’s moral center with one’s chosen deeds, the choice to replace hypocritical convenience for a constancy of integrity, the choice to refuse to be the knowing source of any subjugation or enslavement or abuse or oppression**, the choice to honor each & every sentient life just as readily and just as wholeheartedly as we honor the lives of our dearest pets & partners … 🙂

“The enlightened person knows, and deeply comprehends, regardless of how the law labels some animals as livestock and others as pets, that all animals feel the same love, the same joys, the same sorrows, and — most importantly — the same terror; the former of which being something that all sentient creatures are worthy of and to which all are fully entitled, and the latter of which being a state of suffering that all sentient beings should never ever needlessly know.” – inspired by Daniel Turbert

*Those topics included the following: the fact that we are all innately more than “only human” — that we can choose the moral option in any & every given moment … the fact that “safety” becomes an unworthy goal whenever it interferes with any expression of love or kindness … the fact that our lives are only truly Meaning-full while choosing to be Kind, and that our Kindness reaches the zenith of its potency only when given in the moments we feel least able to do so, and when given directly to those deemed least worthy thereof … 😉

**Madeleine was truly shocked — and I have faith, also deeply moved — to learn that all the dairy cows she would see on this day were but children; that all dairy cows — no matter how green their paddocks or lush their pastures — are only kept alive until their milk runs dry; that each & every one of them — no matter how innocent or gentle — are brutally murdered in their mere adolescence once they no longer bring their “owners” a profit … 🙁