Day 55c: The Worth of all that is Smaller … (06/08/2019)

We flowed easily enough into the tiny hamlet of La Truyere, where a young boy calls out to us and offers to sell us a snail he had captured. I choose to set aside his less than kind offer and respond as though he was giving me the snail freely — announcing a hearty “Merci Beaucoup, mon Ami” and letting him know in my broken French that it would be an honor to liberate my small and slimy Friend from his current state of bondage … :O … The shocked look on the boy’s face was truly priceless; but only a fraction as valuable as the snail’s life I saved that day … 😀

“She asked me to kill a spider. Instead, I got the most peaceful weapons I could find. Taking that cup and napkin, I caught the spider, put her outside, and let her walk away. And as I did so, I wondered: If I too am ever caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, just living my life and not bothering anyone, I hope I too am greeted with the same kind of mercy.” ~ via Rudy Francisco