Day 53l: Relaxing before the End … (06/06/2019)

Remi and I flowed into the small city of St. Alban, and we were headed to the church plaza at the center of town (a frequent fist-stop in most of the cities I entered &/or passed through along The Way) when Gilles called out to us from a small café. Remi & I gave him a warm hug and proceeded to sit down awhile with him and fellow pilgrim Oliver* — with the former treating me to lunch and the latter to a delicious post-meal espresso … 😀

“Love is a blank canvas — a canvas that is furnished by all the sentient denizens of Nature, and one that is embroidered by all our acts of courageous caring therefor.”  ~ via Voltaire

*Once again, Gilles proved to me a powerful French-language megaphone for my Walk, passionately explaining its raw significance to several of the cafe’s French-speaking patrons with words that I would never have been able to formulate or otherwise relay … 🙂