Day 53k: An ever-younger Saint … (06/06/2019)

I continued flowing down The Way — thoroughly enjoying the brilliantly sunny skies, and Terri’s obvious displays of explorative Joy up ahead — when I sensed that I was being overtaken by a fellow pilgrim. I slowed down to allow for him to more smoothly pass me by when to my surprise he slowed down alongside me and made his acquaintance, saying that he (Remi) had heard about me and my Walk a few days’ previously, that he had seen me previously in the distance (as he was approaching the St. Roch chapel while I was departing from the same), and that he had thereafter cut his own chapel visit short and hustled onward in the hopes of catching up to me and chatting for a bit … :O

I was, of course, deeply honored by his efforts* and we walked side by side the rest of the way to our day’s mutual end destination of St. Alban — conversing the entire way about many topics of great import: my desire to live the rest of my life as a Peace Pilgrim and do my part to bring unity to chaos and harmony to strife, and his equally selfless desire to become a doctor and help the less fortunate & the downtrodden to know a greater sense of health & wellness … 😀

It was times such as these — my meetings with like-minded Souls that sprinkled my travels’ days — that gave (and still to this day give) me a very real hope for humanity … Peace to you, Remi — my Friend. May your travels ever reach their peaceful ends, and my you continue to bring peace to those you meet along your way … 🙂

“If we are to truly move the world with our living, we must choose to do so both humbly and with great courage. Indeed, if we are to leave any mark that lasts & moves, we must carve our names on the hearts & minds of others while we are alive, not merely have them coldly etched — however indelibly — upon our tombstones after passing onward.” ~ inspired by Shannon Alder

*There needed never have been any cause for worry or concern, as it turns out that Remi was probably the fittest pilgrim I encountered over the entire course of my Journey — regularly walking 25+ miles a day, all while carrying a pack that must have weighed at least 70 pounds! :O