Day 52r: Sleeping tight in Solace … (06/05/2019)

Even though my days-of-old refuge provided nothing more than a dirt floor for bedding*, a few old blankets had been left in the corner by the caretaker of this indeed fine establishment; blankets that proved to make not the cleanest mattress in the world, but blankets that did indeed provide a fine-enough night’s sleep nonetheless … 🙂

“All things that give great light must first joyfully endure their burning. Similarly, any person wishing to shine great Truth must just as joyfully endure the trials & tribulations that ever accompany the same.” ~ inspired by Victor Frankel

*I originally intended to sleep on the two wide benches that graced the refuge’s large wooden table in the middle of the room, and yet a fellow pilgrim (Robin, from Belgium) showed up at the front door a bit later, and I let him place his sleeping bag on the benches and use them for his bed that night.