Day 52n: Melding the Soul with the Road … (06/05/2019)

I passed another pathside shrine just outside of town, and someone (probably the same pilgrim as before) had placed yet another small white marble thereupon — a small white marble that is so symbolically indicative of the Soul within us all and the pure unconditional LOVE that resides therein.

And so it was that I placed that marble — which had fallen a bit downward towards the ground — back on its appropriately pinnacled place, and sauntered on into the afternoon … 😀

“If you can integrate with the road and become a part of the road, then you cease thinking of how you are walking the road at all — you flow along almost effortlessly, and essentially become the road yourself. Similarly, if you can integrate your Love into your life (and thereby become a fully embodied reflection of both), then you cease thinking about being loved or living — you immerse yourself fully into each & every encounter, and thereby become that LOVE itself.” ~ inspired by Mehmet M. Ildan