Day 52g: Oh, those Homefree Wanderers … (06/05/2019)

“Obedient to no man, allegiant to no nation, with neither definite goal before them nor roof above them; dependent only on weather and will; owning nothing while sharing everything; open to every whim of happenstance and knowing all others as friend — the homefree wanderers lead their purely toddleresque existence; brave yet shabby, bold yet flowing, principled yet humble. They are the true Children of God — friends to all son & daughters of Adam (those who remain driven out of Paradise) and soulmates to the animals (and all other harborers of innocence). Directly from Heaven’s hand they wholeheartedly accept (and indeed embrace) whatever is proffered from moment to moment — sun or rain, fog or snow, warmth or cold, comfort or hardship. Time does not exist for them and neither does history — or ambition — or growth — or that bizarre idol called progress. The homefree wayfarer may be delicate or crude, artful or awkward, crass or meek — and yet he is always a toddler at heart, bewondered in each new moment as if it is his first; caring in every encounter as if it were his last. He may be intelligent or ignorant; spontaneous or wholly thought-through — and yet he is ever deeply aware of the fleeting fragility of all living things, of how pettily and often fearfully every living creature carries its own bit of warm blood across the glaciers of cosmic space. He is always the opponent of the established proprietor and ever the enemy of tyranny. He is always the friend of the poor and ever the champion of the oppressed. He sets forth righteously each morning into the new day, and returns gratefully to his next slumber when the day’s loving is done.” ~ inspired by Hermann Hesse