Day 50g: A choice of two Paths … (06/03/2019)

“There are two primary paths for anyone seeking to learn of the solace which is kept most hidden. The first is to initiate wholeheartedly into one’s given society, willingly fulfilling traditions that are popular and well-established. This is the path of delusion and — ultimately — despair … The second route is to boldly walk the path forged by one’s conscience, more often than not diverging from all things ‘normal’ and ‘appropriate’ in favor of those compassionate and just. This is the way of truth and — inevitably — spiritual triumph. Both paths seek to build bridges to inner peace, and yet it is only the latter way that can ever hope to succeed. Indeed, it is the first road — the one much more commonly taken — that actually builds walls between men; replacing kindness with competition, and compassion with callousness. And as such this wider way cannot by nature allow those who travel its route to ever cross the expanse that separates Heaven & Earth.” ~ inspired by Thomas Lloyd Qualls & Suzy Kassem