Day 50f: Shining our most Holy Light … (06/03/2019)

Le Puy en Velay is a larger city (at least by Camino standards) for sure, and I was quite obviously already walking within its borders for many meters before I finally saw the truest proof that this was indeed the case: namely, the sight of the summit chapel of Saint-Michel d’Aiguilhe — an architectural wonder that proved to be one of the most (if not the most) striking and indeed awe-inspiring monuments I witnessed on my entire Walk … :O

“One of the great open secrets of life on Earth is that the answer to life’s most burning question has been inscribed upon one’s Soul all along. In truth, each life is itself a pilgrimage intended to inevitably arrive at the center of the Soul, and from that most particular vantage point, the issue is not whether we manage to choose the right god or the best way to live righteously. For such more feeble notions always fail to recognize the intimate interconnection that each & every Soul ever has with the Divine.” ~ inspired by Michael Meade