Day 49t: When right becomes Right … (06/02/2019)

The center of St. Germain was remarkably deserted by the time I got there, and yet both body & Soul were telling me that this was the place to pause for the night, so I started looking for a pilgrim’s hostel &/or park bench upon which to sleep. It didn’t take long while doing so for me to notice a sign identifying the local church parish, and I went up and knocked on its door. Father Roget eventually answered the same and, after hearing of my mendicant Walk for Peace, walked with me over to the church’s administrative building, where he told me I could make myself at home for the evening ( :O ) … I found a few pieces of hard candy that served as my impromptu dinner and used the restroom to sponge-bathe away the dust from the path and the ache from my bones. Thereafter I was able to scrounge up some drapes that a youth group had apparently used for a recent theatrical production, and used the same to make a relatively comfortable cot for my weary head. Yes, the floor was indeed hard and somewhat chilly there that night, and yet I went to bed feeling deep gratitude and slept quite soundly nonetheless … 😀

“For it is one thing to see the Land of Peace on the horizon while resting upon a comfortable ridge, and yet quite another to set forth and walk the arduous road that leads thereto.” ~ via St. Augustine