Day 48o: When the Sowing becomes the Harvest … (06/01/2019)

I left the cool confines of the church and steadily began walking through the rest of the city. The path began to rise on the far side of town, and I had almost exited Tence completely when I noticed Pascal & Sonia hanging out on the front porch of their home — one of the very last houses to be seen before the path plunged back into lands more wooded and wild. As was par for my pilgrimage, I approached them humbly, briefly relayed the how’s and the why’s of my Walk, and asked for a glass of water on this now quite warm afternoon. To my still somehow great surprise, I was met instead with not only a glass of liquid refreshment, but a warm conversation about my Journey and a gratefully accepted offer of asparagus and corn to boot* … :O … Pascal then earnestly asked for my contact information, we took a lovely photo together, shared a heartfelt hug goodbye, and onward I walked; pausing shortly thereafter in the shade of a pathside tree to fully enjoy their most gracious gift … 😀 😀 😀

“If I had a single flower for every time I was blessed by your giving, I could walk forever through my garden. If I had but a single grain of wheat for every time you showed me Love, neither I nor any nearby would ever hunger.” ~ inspired by Claudia Ghandi

*This was the first — and possibly the only — time I was offered vegetables by a newfound friend along my path, with the standard giving far more commonly being comprised of bread &/or fruit &/or coffee … 🙂