Day 43s: The nature of our Genius … (05/27/2019)

Faramans was nice enough, though the overnight-vibe was not overtly evident at first. Indeed, after being turned away by a closed church parish and having even my humble requests for general information somewhat callously dismissed by a number of shopkeepers, it looked like yours truly was going to have to keep walking on into that early evening (even though doing so would have meant topping 30 km covered on this day; a milestone my hips and shins had not yet managed without great protest) … :O

And yet no sooner do I arrive at the town’s very last house than I hear the sound of a weed-eater coming from its garden. And, peering over the garden wall, I then see Dominique hard at work at what turned out to be her parents’ home. She saw me smiling at her and I asked if she might have a glass of water I could drink before walking onward, and to her great credit, she invited me onto the porch, brought me a phenomenally delicious Elderberry-flower Spritzer (yummy!), listened intently to the tale of my Walk, and then made phone after phone call until she found a lovely couple (hostel owners Marie Claude & George) who were happily willing to feed me a wonderfully impromptu vegan meal and then graciously willing to take me in for the night … 😀

“We each rediscover the nature of our own particular genius when we stop trying to conform to other people’s models of what is proper or appropriate or normal or even good, and simply allow our natural channel of Love and Generosity and Kindness to open up and flow forth without analysis or reservation.” ~ inspired by Shakti Gawain