Day 39l: Falling with The Flow … (05/23/2019)

After soaking up the majestic view, it was then time to continue onward — down, Down, DOWN a somewhat disturbingly steep, rocky path that proved to be very difficult for my injured legs to manage. How odd it was to learn once again that walking downhill with an inflamed right hip and a left hip-flexor strain is actually far more painful than trudging upwards, as the “braking” required with every step proved to be far more challenging than the lifting motion required while ascending any similar hills or staircases. Amusingly, this fact had me foregoing almost all attempts at slowing my pace during this particular descent; a choice that had me stumble-sliding my way down the trail instead, ever just on the verge of slipping & tumbling almost the whole way down … :O

“The difference between a path and a road is a profound one. A road is little more than a habit that comes with knowledge of a place. It can be followed almost mindlessly, without fear of stumbling or wondering where the way might lead. A path, on the other hand, is a form of intimate contact with a far-less-known landscape. It is not destructive in its creation, and is indeed the perfect adaptation of movement to particular space. Roads carve into the environment along routes more smooth and ‘efficient’, while paths obey the Earth’s more natural contours. Roads meet obstacles and destroy or alter them, while paths choose to flow over or go around.” ~ inspired by Wendell Berry