Day 34a: Staying the Highest Course … (05/18/2019)

Enlightenment knows that there is no particular place we ever need to go; that we have actually all been called to delve deeply into the places we already are … Enlightenment knows that there is nothing particular we need to do; that we have actually all been called to selflessly work to bring others Peace & Joy … Enlightenment knows that there is no one in particular we need to be; that we have actually all been called to be repeatedly & persistently & courageously true to our highest, most-caring Selves … 😉

“And this is eternal Life: to emulate You, the Divine One, and fully embody the Christ essence that You have sent to reside within us. Let us live forever by glorifying You on Earth by repeatedly engaging the selfless, giving, and kind Work you have enabled us all to fulfill.” ~ via Jesus Christ (John 17:3-4)