Day 33j: Finding pride in Humility … (05/17/2019)

Our greatest accomplishments are actually often found in our “smallest” of deeds, for only we know the true difficulty faced while enlivening the former — regardless of how trivial or meaningless the same might seem. And so it was on this particular evening, an evening when I found an unopened bag of vegan potato chips in the church’s communal kitchen; a bag of chips that no one would ever know I had eaten — a bag of chips that I desperately wanted to eat — and yet a bag of chips that I had not been offered by my benefactor; a bag of chips that were not mine to consume … And so, despite the enormous temptation to eat them anyway, I remained true to the Faith-full parameters of my Walk, and with great effort (and more than a bit of despair) placed them back on the kitchen shelf where they had been found, and ambled off to bed to merely dream of eating the same … 😉

“For those who sit in the darkness of fear & longing — if they but choose to look — will see a Great Light of Love & Giving shining up from within. And thus for those who sit in that colder region of death, Life will dawn and warm them anew.”~ inspired by Jesus Christ (Matthew 4:16)